Site icon Friends of St Charles College


Welcome, Class of 1904!

We would love to connect with you, hear your stories and build our Old Boys network.


If you would like to share more than what the form requests, please don’t hesitate to make contact with us directly.

We are excited to strengthen our record-keeping, to continue the journey of building a rich collection of Old Boys stories, to connect with you and help to connect with one another.

In this space, we are mindful of the protections put in place by the POPI Act. For this reason, the information we publicly share will be limited unless the appropriate permission has been granted.

Featured Old Boys Articles

Speech Night – 2022 : Michael Day

In 2022, at St Charles College’s annual Speech Night, we welcomed Michael Day, as our guest speaker. Michael matriculated from St Charles College in...

Speech Night – 2023 : Charles Malanga

Once upon a time I sat in this venue on a night like this. If memory serves me well, it was a Thursday evening...

Where Are You Now?

Keep us up dated with what you’ve been up to and encourage your class mates to do the same!

Find your year below . . .

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