Friends of the College


If you have ventured onto this page, we imagine you wish to be part of creating positive change in the world. We invite you to explore a range of focused campaigns where you can directly influence the future.

St Charles College has shown extraordinary growth in the past few years, and we are very fortunate to have had the space and the financial discipline to invest in the facilities and educational programmes of the College. There are, however, times when our enthusiasm and dreams exceed the reach of our budgets. Over several years, we have been blown away by the generosity of members of the community who have filled in gaps and assisted the College to complete projects that would ordinarily have been out of our reach.

We have also received sponsorship or donations that have made a significant difference, either to a family in need, to assist with the costs of tours, purchasing equipment that makes sports function better, planting trees or to enable us to give a young person an opportunity as an intern. We are very grateful for the kindness of our parents in hosting touring teams and for businesses that have pledged support for our programmes – it is extremely encouraging to everyone involved when that happens. We recognise Friends of the College who see opportunities to make a difference and wish to assist us in reaching our goals faster.

There is an unlimited number of simple ways that our whole community can be part of building the College and achieving the vision of becoming the school that Africa needs.