Friends of St Charles College

Let's Build the Future Together

Welcome to the Friends of the College Website!

We stand for independent thinking and action that makes a difference to the quality of life of those around us. The idea of St Charles College is championed by people who believe that their efforts can make a difference and that together that difference can be significant. We are not daunted by what seems impossible but instead, by faith, we are joined in the common belief that the future can be what we make of it.

So, whether you are an Old Boy of the College, a current Parent, Guardian or Grandparent, or a person who believes that hard work, enthusiasm and the Grace of God can change the world – we’d like to call you a Friend of the College. I hope that this website will be a platform for networking and a junction for galvanizing action to do good in the world wherever you are.

Allen van Blerk


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Friends of the College in Action

Memories from Antoni Louw (Class of 1971)

It is always valuable to hear stories from our Old Boys, of the memories they have, where life led them and how what they...

The Founders Day Dash

St Charles College celebrates Founders Day on the 26th of July. The story as to why it is celebrated on this day is because...

The History of the War Cry Blazer

St Charles was the first Marist School in Natal, making the move to our premises in Scottsville in 1925.1 It was also the first...